Commercial Properties for Sale
View Available Properties Throughout REAL AZ
Click on one of the two options below to view options for both REAL AZ PIF properties as well as local commercial properties for sale throughout the region.
Transportation Infrastructure
Access to Major Markets
Quality Workforce
Friendly Business Climate
Low Cost of Doing Business
Natural Resources
Small Business Success
High Quality of Life
Some of the largest cities in the Western United States are within a few hundred miles of the REAL AZ footprint.
With higher education opportunities in the region, our workforce is prepared for the growth of industry in REAL AZ.
Between growing resources, education, workforce, and an increasing mentorship network, your company would inherit a business-ready and friendly community.
Compared to the entire state of Arizona, the communities inside the Real AZ corridor provide a low cost of living and cost of doing business.
Fossil fuels, minerals, agriculture, renewable energy, and tourism play key roles in generating revenue and employment.
The region is home to a diverse population, a thriving tourism industry, and an expanding job market.
The communities inside of the REAL AZ Corridor provide a rich blend of cultural, natural, and environmental amenities.

Contact Us
Have questions about REAL AZ Corridor? Or interested in bringing your business to the area? We would love to help.